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Everything posted by MADOG

  1. Garry & Judy, We have had our TopEnder for just on 12 months and evolved here much like you via a Kimberley Kamper and tents, many years in the tents. Could not go backwards now as we are madly in love with our TE, particularly given we spend a fair bit of time in it working - we now have a climate controlled office so can go anywhere and do anything in any weather conditions. We have not had any trouble with mould, nor suspension - the suspension in particular traveled really well across the Gulf a few months ago and we did move across some pretty rugged and chopped up tracks. It was pleasing to note we had absolutely no issues with the van or it's contents and how they handled the constant corragations. We have found the cupboard catches to be excellent however on a couple of occasions the vibrations have loosened them - the tightening piece on the inside unwound a bit making the catch swivel a few degrees - is an easy fix but best to be aware before it comes loose and you experience a spill - luckily we had no spills but I did tighten those fittings a few times - must go off now and apply some Locktite while I think of it. Welcome to KOG, Chris and I are relative newbies but the interaction to date via this forum and the couple of members whom we have met is making us look forward to a gathering. They look like a good bunch! Regards, :biggrin: Roger Roger (MADOG) Morgan & Christine 100 Series TD + 17’6” TopEnder #751 VKS-737: Victor 7570 Bacchus Marsh VIC.
  2. A tip for 100 Series LandCruiser owners While cruising at around 95 - 100kph down the Stuart highway with our TopEnder behind us recently, for no apparent reason the engine died and we rolled to a stop a couple of metres off the bitumen 147k’s north of Tennant Creek. The vehicle had plenty of fuel and battery when the ignition was switched on but we couldn’t get a single sound out of the engine – dead as a doornail! We imagined something seriously electronic had failed and subsequently moved into “recovery” mode. Using the HF radio we called the VKS-737 4WD radio network operator in Alice Springs and he immediately went into action by giving us 100% airwave priority and compassionate verbal support as he collected all of our details. He then phoned the RACV in Melbourne who in turn contacted the local agent in Tennant Creek. VKS-737, by a return call on the HF advised us some 10 minutes later that help was coming and would arrive within the next 2 hours or thereabouts. We set up our camp chairs in the shade of the van and Christine read her book and I put my feet up and enjoyed a light ale while watching the “passing parade”, none of which stopped or even slowed down but then I expect we probably appeared quite “cool, calm and collected”. Just 90 minutes later our recovery truck arrived. After a couple of questions the Tennant Creek AANT driver said he thought he knew what the problem was due to experiencing similar symptoms a few times before with 100 series LandCruisers and checked the fuse box under the bonnet finding a blown 15 amp blade fuse (AM1). We replaced the fuse and all was OK. He followed us into Tennant Creek to ensure the cause of the problem didn’t activate again. The following morning the Toyota dealer service people at Tennant Creek quickly repaired the source of the problem with insulation tape and cable ties. They said (the service people) that the ignition wiring loom drops down and rubs on the foot brake assembly eventually wearing through and shorting out the engine’s primary lifeline. The first time they were confronted with this problem the vehicle came in on the back of a recovery truck “from nearly a 1,000 k’s away”. They replaced 8 fuses before finding the source of the problem and it has now happened quite a few times since. The support provided by our VKS-737 Alice Springs radio operator, the RACV in Melbourne and the people at Tennant Creek was nothing short of sensational and we are very much indebted to them. Hopefully this information may save someone some serious grief in the future should they experience the same symptoms. Roger & Christine Morgan (MADOG) 100 Series TD + 17’6” TopEnder #751 VKS-737: Victor 7570 Bacchus Marsh VIC.
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