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Laurie and Helen

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Posts posted by Laurie and Helen

  1. Welcome to the New Year and I hope that it will be a great year for all those lucky enough to be travelling and those who can only get away for short trips, may they be enjoyable and plenty of them.

    I am pleased to advise that Chris Martins is taking up the role of site moderator on the KOG website. Chris comes with a wealth of experience to carry out this task.

    I trust that everyone will acknowledge the responsibility that comes with this position and respect any decision that Chris makes in the spirit of keeping the site active and enjoyable for everyone to use in the spirit that it was intended.


    President KOG :)

  2. Mal and Kerry,

    Sounds like a good storm to stay out off. Just a note that may help others we saw a van down the coast last year in the same condition after a storm. Since than I always set the awning up with an offset so the water cannot pool on top. We had some big rain last Christmas and no problems.


    Hope you have a safe and merry Christmas

  3. Greetings all.

    Does anyone have a contact for a manufacturer of custom shade cloth awning walls that will supply to the Brissie area.

    Thanks in advance and cheers

    Rod & Mavis.


    We used "The Awning Man" he is from Brisbane but put came to Toowoomba to fit our gear so I guess he would do a Brisbane house call.

    Bob and Jenny Stafford 3264 4666 0411 139 340


  4. Hi All,

    We are considering upgrading from our 2 person Kayak to a roof top tinnie. As far as drag I would suggest that a canoe would not be that much more fuel efficient than a tinnie. After 10,000 km we only took the kayak of 3 times - Roper River at the 12 mile, Nicholson River at Kingfisher Camp and Lawn Hill NP. Illegal to use a kayak in Kakadu from what we were told by the rangers and I didn't feel like putting it in at Shady Camp or Daly River. :)

  5. Steve,

    If you click on our blog at the bottom of our signature and than click on "older posts" you will eventually get to our Tassie trip which we did with our XC pop top. This was a couple of years ago and in January.

    Have a great trip, we headed west from Devonport.


  6. Hi,

    If you want to send me an email, just go into my profile. I can give you advice on how I fixed my XC but I won't put it on the public forum. The other option is that I move this thread to the members forum and put the reply on for all the members. I had a similar problem that you are describing on our 2005 XC and fixed it, very minimal to no cost just a bit of time and you have the background to carry out the fix yourself or at least determine if the problem is the same.



  7. Inventor,

    As President of the KOG I have no interest in testing your hitch or any other assembly, I am satisfied with the components fitted on my van from the factory.

    I believe this thread has run its course and I will be recommending to the webmaster that the thread be closed to further comment.


  8. Hi John,

    I sourced all my gear through opposite lock in Toowoomba, tough dog shocks, springs and HD torsion bars with the airbag man (blue)to suit the 2" lift and than the diff drop kit and torsion bar reinforcing kit from Superior Engineering on the north coast.

    On our recent trip, while on the black top I run the HR weight distribution hitch with just enough air in the airbags to keep them inflated (5psi), on the gravel I take the HR off and inflate the airbags up to 20 psi.


  9. Hi Chris,

    Your report was excellent, this unfortunate couple could have used your trip report and driven to the conditions, they both got out without to much trouble and flown out from Robinson River Station later that night. We are nearly home just sitting in Rocky working our way south. KFC was great with graders working towards Bowthorn from the Hells Gate end and Lawn Hill end. The crossings were resonably shallow compared to some up around Reynolds River and Kakadu that we encountered.



  10. Robert and Jane,

    We have Bushranger covers and so far they are holding up OK, agree not as good as the original ones supplied on earlier vans by Kedron. We did find a site on the internet that had very good quality covers and after getting some prices decided that it was better to buy standard covers and replace them when they give up the ghost.


  11. To All KOG Members and Forum Guests

    An open letter from the President

    I would like to take this opportunity to let everyone know what has been happening and where we are at regarding club operation and the new website.

    Sue resigned her position as webmaster and gave me 60 days for the committee to sort out a new web access or the group was going to loose all access to the Forum and any information that was on the site. This was due to the fact that Sue owned the website. Sue provided the committee an invoice for past hosting and the committee arranged for her to be paid all monies owing.

    Sue is still an active and well regarded member of the group, but she is no longer on the Committee or Webmaster therefore, has no further involvement with the hosting or maintenance of the website.

    A lot of water has gone under the bridge since then and Deb has worked tirelessly to get the new website operating. While we have had some minor problems with the occasional topic falling over and being lost, Deb has tried to keep those affected informed through emails and eventually getting the topic back up.

    The site will operate slightly different and we are still finding our way around the back screens of the web page but we are getting there, it is fair to say that none of us are computer buffs when it comes to this type of work.

    The first thing that we have put in place until we can amend the Constitution and By Laws is that a topic cannot be removed by a single person. At this stage a topic can only be moderated by at least two committee members agreeing that the topic needs to be either moved to another area or deleted. If either action is taken the topic originator will be informed of our actions. We encourage open and fair discussion and debate on this site, as long as it remains civil and is not defamatory or personal in any way.

    We are reviewing how other forums are managed and will not be reinventing the wheel, but hope to develop what we believe is the most open and accountable method of running the forum.

    In the past the committee had no control over the website and we would like to prevent this from happening again. An amendment to the Constitution will be put forward at the next AGM as a Special Resolution to ensure that the elected committee (whoever that may be) has control over the website. The Webmaster will also form part of that Committee as a voting member.

    We have registered and paid for web hosting and domain services with Panthur in the name of the Kedron Owners Group which now gives 100% ownership to the website. We have also purchased a license for our forum software, which provides us novices with 24/7 phone support and regular updates of the software.

    Part of the process in getting the new website set up requires a clean up of the old system registers. Each membership will only have one Log In. We realize that in the past some members have been given multiple Log In access and this will no longer be the case as we will be cleaning out multiple access in due course.

    As we get more familiar with how the site works we will be making subtle changes from time to time to ensure that beneficial features are included for members to use. One of the changes will be the option to pay your membership by Paypal.

    Laurie Ashe

    President KOG

  12. Kaye and Lance,

    Welcome to the group and I bet you can't wait till the end of the month. If you have any questions I am sure that someone will be able to point you in the right direction. We have members living and travelling all across this great land with a wealth of experience amongst them.

    Hope to catch up along the road some day. If you are travelling look through the site and find members who have offered the chance to stay with as you travel around.

    Safe Travelling

    Laurie and Helen :smile:

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