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Posts posted by Chris

  1. Colours Webby Sue? Well, they are Sandbank external (a creamy gold?) and inside pale green curtains and dark green leather seats, with a cream patterned laminate. I THINK the bedspread was cream...

    Ooooh it looks proper flash.


  2. Hi everyone.

    We are now in Brisbane, in place for (a) picking up the new LC200 series and (B) getting ready for delivery of the new Top Ender

    We called into the factory yesterday, and Glen asked if we would be agreeable to having the van photographed and a review written for a magazine article. Would we ever!

    So today we accompanied Gil Schott and the Galls en masse to a couple of locations to photograph another van (a Cross Country) and our van. Ours was shot at Scarborough Beach, with the ocean behind it. Stunning. Dave Gall muttered a bit about the possibility of a Council worker coming and telling us to move on...but that didn't happen.

    Mrs Gall senior armed us all with a table set with "props" - fruit, wine glass, tablecloth etc - and in the shots of our van Val and I tried to look serious while having fun (hard to pull that one off) while sitting at a table in front of the van with wine glasses in hand. Really good wine too! Val and I felt like movie celebs, sitting at leisure while flashbulbs popped all around us (metaphorically speaking - flashes these days are actually silent).

    The van looks wonderful, truly wonderful, inside and out, and has everything we asked for. And a couple of things I forgot I had asked for. Stan seems to keep control of that, together with Lisa in the front office.

    The van is due to go on 13 Feb, but maybe, just maybe it might be earlier? It LOOKS ready.


  3. Brian and Lis,

    free camps for 10 vans? Don't think any would be guaranteed. You have probably chosen well already at Rawnsley, I think.

    And it might be getting hot in October so it might be wise to have an aircon alternative with powered sites.

    Where are you both now? We arrived in Brisbane today.


  4. We LOVE the Flinders. There is free bushcamping in Parachilna Gorge and Brachina Gorge has national park fees applying. We like both but prefer the latter. Also, there is a lovely gorge near the town of Quorn (Warren Gorge) which is quite lovely, with sites all the way down a slope (lots of level spots) overlooking the bluff, or spots down along the -usually dry- river bed and among the pines. It is completely free. Only has drop toilets.

    There is a nice commercial park at Wilpena Pound and also at Rawnsley. Again it is a matter of preference - we prefer Wilpena.

    From Brachina and Parachilna you can drive around and look at the area, and the scenery is truly awe inspiring.


  5. It was a dealer, and I had rung him. He knew the brand and was very keen to have a Kedron. We took it into him to inspect and he subsequently made an offer which we accepted.

    We could no doubt have got more, had we had more time ot if we could have left it on consignment, but such is life. The price is definitely one we could live with.


  6. As many of you know, we have been travelling for nearly four years (off and on, but mostly on) with our 18 foot internal ATV. Twelve months ago we had too many glasses of champagne one afternoon, sitting under the van awning, and decided to upgrade to a new Top Ender. We knew it would be quite a wait, given how popular Kedrons are nowadays, and were happy to wait. Well, happy-ish. Flew to Brisbane and it arranged it.

    In the meantime we have bought a house and settled in three weeks ago, in the Adelaide Hills town of Springton. We are now in the process of selling the Darwin house, which we have owned for more than 30 years.

    And now the time is getting closer for the pickup of the new van. So we must soon depart for Brisbane and first pick up the new LC 200 series (due on 10 Feb) and then wait for the new van (due for delivery on 27 Feb). I think we will leave here in SA about two weeks time (25 or 26 Jan).

    It feels very exciting to think the wait is almost over.

    Kedron friends in Brisbane, we will be in touch to catch up!

    Chris and Val

  7. OK Webby. I have placed the ad over under Classifieds. But I can't work out how to delete it from here - I am sure you will kindly do that for me.

    Also, unfortunately the Classifieds section does not seem to allow me to attach the details document, so I have just given a quick summary of the van.

    Val is loving the mowing; just ask him!!


  8. We are upgrading to a new Top Ender and thus have our beloved ATV for sale. The attachment gives all the details on the van.

    Essentailly it is 18 foot internal, has a shower/toilet combined, an annexe and a Diesel heater (ducted also into the shower/toilet). It was built in 2004 and has an established track record - it has successfully covered the Gibb River Road for example.

    We are located an hour north of Adelaide, and the van is in the front yard.




  9. And from the Travelling Martins who have temporarily given up travelling and settled into a house!

    We have bought a house in the Barossa Valley (SA) - oh joy, all that wine!- and Okie, the offroad Kedron, is sitting under some shady trees in the back yard. We are selling our Darwin house, so the move is permanent.

    We are heading up to Brisbane and the factory soon to pick up our new Top Ender.

    We hope the 2009 travelling year is filled with excitement and pleasure for you all.

    Chris and Val

  10. And a Merry Christmas from the Adelaide Hills, our new home! It is cool and fresh here, but I am sure whatever the weather 't where we are all located, it is special and there is a warm festive feeling.

    We head uo to Brissy in late Jan for our new Top Ender. Can't wait!

    Love Chris and Val

  11. I am grateful to Rick and Lea for this advice. I have heard similar stories from others of problems with the new windows. And yet others have said they had no hassles.

    I will be keen to see what Kedron think about this, and if they will do the gap filling for us at the building stage.


  12. Russ,

    that sounds like a great schedule. If you go to Stanthorpe, call in and see or stay at Girraween National Park. We have been there a couple of times now. The last time we stayed there, another couple of Top Enders arrived. We all enjoyed drinks together one night.

    That area is absolutely beautiful.

    We once spent a week at Brunswick Heads too - and loved it there also.


  13. Russ and Sue.

    Where will you take the van for its shakedown trip? Our new Top Ender is due late February and we think we may go down to Girraween National Park, near Stanthorpe.

    Then, all going well, we will head back down to our new home in the Adelaide Hills. A major change for us, after living almost my whole life in the NT.


  14. I so remember the day we picked up our baby too (four years ago now). It was fraught with excitement and apprehensin. It looked so Biiiig!! But all was well.

    Our first night we spent up at Munna Point caravan park at Noosa (Dave Gall suggested there) and it was a great little spot. A year or so later we were back in the region to have our annexe made and while we waited for it to be ready we spent the time at Cotton Tree. A wonderful site.


  15. Good luck with finding what you are after Fran and Reg! I understand Adelaide is a good place to see second hand Kedrons (well, we are hoping it is a good place to sell our 18 foot internal sized van).


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