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Everything posted by Tolley

  1. I grease the 31 grease nipples under my van every 10,000 km, irrespective of where I am.
  2. Tolley


    I solved that problem on my TE some time ago. The black rubber seal around all the latches was perishing and cracking. I enquired about purchasing replacement black seals. I found i had to purchase a whole new latch. So, I removed all the latches and then all the black seals. Cleaned all the black seals off all surfaces. Then simply used clear silicon and replaced the latches. Worked perfectly. No more leaks. I will be at the van later today and I will take a photo and post it here. It really is a simple fix.
  3. I am going to replace the brake drums, plates etc on my Top Ender. I was planning to book into Cruisemaster (Vehicle Components) in Brisbane. On their website I discovered that they have a network of agents across the nation, including Cairns. Yesterday I visited Torque Tyres and Trailer Spares, one of the two agents in Cairns. To my surprise and delight I discovered that they have all the gear in stock and plenty of it. I have a booking there next Tuesday and I will report on the job they do. I thought that this info might be useful for anyone venturing up this way. Torque Tyres and Trailer Spares 180 Lyons Street CAIRNS QLD 4870 07 4230 0715 admin@etrailer.com.au
  4. Tolley

    Ball Weights

    Top Ender, fully loaded, 300 litres of H2O, full gas bottles, 325kg ball weight.
  5. Tony, thank you for the promo but I am please to say that the opportunity no longer exists as yesterday we accepted an offer from an excellent couple. My thanks to any who were considering putting their hand up. Regards Colin
  6. Hello Koggers, For about 6 weeks late September to early November we have a need for house sitters on our 17 acre property. We could leave the property vacant but we have two pups, both loving toy poodles, who need to be looked after. Oh! And two wild magpies who look to be fed a bit of mince twice a day and return for their singing to you through the window! Very comfortable house and well set up property. No stock other than the poodles, kangaroos, and a variety of birds. Toys include tractor, ride on mower, Triton tipper and so on. We are in NSW but very close to Canberra, Queanbeyan and Bungendore. If you have any interest please PM me. Regards Colin
  7. Hello Sue,

    about 3 years ago you wrote that you had kept a copy of my GCR trip report that I organized in 2014.  Do you still have a copy as due to a hard drive crash I no longer have a copy.



    colin Toll

    1. Ian and Sue

      Ian and Sue

      Hi Colin   I will sit down tonight and look through our old laptop and storage device to see if I can find and access it.  


      Fingers crossed.  



  8. This post will only be of interest to Silverado owners or potential owners. After one month I have the truck back and it is running beautifully. Mark at Tuggeranaong Transmissions did a great job. He started at the bottom of a steep Silverado learning curve but he enjoyed the challenge and he got it done. He was helped greatly by Heath Lawson from PID on the Sunshine Coast and by some of his own contacts in the US.For the technical readers we replaced the LT1000 internal wiring loom, the pressure /pad switch LT1000, and the TCU (programmed up by Heath). All good now. We a planning on departing on our delayed trip on Saturday. Regards Colin
  9. Tony, Steve and Pete, Thanks for all that. I have been talking to Heath Lawson of PID Engineer and he has been helpful. The issue is oil getting out at the rear of the transmission and into the clever bits of that wiring loom. Apparently, my transmission friends tell me, it is a very common problem for may makes of vehicle (apparently especially with Volkswagons). Its all tied up wiyh solenoids, and computers. From my no technical point of view it is just a pain in the arse!! With sugar, Pete! I have captured John Bakker's details....thanks Tony and Steve. Regaqrds Colin
  10. I think this is the part we are waiting for from the USA: Description: HARNESS, WIRING LCT - 3RD GENERATION, G - 7 SOLENOID TYPE (GROUP 1792) Part Type: TCM’S, ECU’S, SHIFT SELCTORS, & WIRING HARNESSE’S Applicable Series: ALLISON LCT 1000/2000/2400 SERIE
  11. An update on the transmission. Down here in the "land of the little necks" aka Canberra, a vehicle the size of a Silverado frightens the hell out of them! Most workshops are not big enough to accommodate them and a hoist big enough to lift 4 tonne is a very rare bird. After a lot of "to and fro-ing" i was placed in the hands of a couple of good outfits. One had a hoist big enough and that is where the vehicle was placed. They were very busy but took my truck in as a favour. Much appreciated. It sat there for days while they cleared a backlog of work. They started work on it last Monday week, 5 June. Of course it was the Queens Birthday long weekend last weekend. Bugger, another day lost. To cut to the chase, we are now waiting on parts from the US that should arrive at weeks end. If the parts fix the problem we should have the vehicle back next week sometime. Hopefully we might be able to start our trip with the caravan on or about Saturday 24 June,
  12. Leon, mine is an AUTEL brand. Google it and you will get a lot od responses. You have to ensure that the scanner is suitable to your make and model. Colin
  13. I am currently experiencing a problem with my Silverado transmission that other Silverado owners might find interesting. The problem is yetbto be fully diagnosed and I will report further when it is sorted. The symptoms I have experienced are: The vehicle may not move forward or back even though D or R is selected on the gear shift. This is intermittent. If forward motion occurs it is in 3rd gear only. PRNDL display may not show up or only a partial display When I scan the system I get the following fault codes. P0700, P0708, P0847, P0872, P0875, P1711 and P1713. These DIC codes MAY suggest the NSBU as the culprit: What is a NSBU switch? - acronym for "Neutral Start Back Up". Sometimes also referred to as a PNP ("Park Neutral Position") switch. Where is the NSBU switch located? - driver's side of the Allison transmission. Once the issue is diagnosed and corrected I will submit another report in this thread. Regards to all Colin - .
  14. I know I have posted on this subject previously. I have just had a few things done at the KEDRON factory and once again the service has been superb. From Robyn in the office to Ashley and his team they were great. Thank you KEDRON. Much appreciated. Colin @ Gayleen
  15. Neville and Kay, Welcome to the dark side. I have had my Chev Silverado since late 2014 and I just love it. 13 L/100 around town, not towing, is normal from my experience. Towing is a relaxing experience and a whole lot safer. Regards Colin
  16. Danno, I have a TE that I purchased new in late 2009. Towed it with a 100 Series 4.2TD. A year or so ago I upgraded to a Chev Silverado. Kedron's are fantastic vans and the after sales service has to be experienced to be believed. Tony H sums it up well in his contribution. We are thinking of buying a new van. When I sit down and draw up a list of all the characteristics I want in a van I find I have just described a Kedron Top Ender! Have I had problems with my van? Not really and the little niggles I experienced were fixed in a flash by Kedron. Danno, you can buy a Kedron with confidence and then sleep soundly at night. Regards Colin
  17. I have a grey "plastic" box on the draw bar as supplied by Kedron. 130,000 km later it is still there and the draw bar has not collapsed.. Mine is a Top Ender. If I ordered another one I would also order one with a plastic box on the draw bar.
  18. We use the Trailermate exclusively and like ATV42 we remove after use and store in a locker. Simple really. Regards, Colin
  19. Terry, good for you and I understand totally. Living in FNQ we are acclimatized somewhat to hot weather. However, this wet season and last wet season (known down south as summer) has been unusually hot and uncomfortable. We have had the aircon at home working hard!
  20. Terry, I assume you do not bother with aircon unless you are on 240v AC. Regards Colin
  21. Thanks Reece. That is funny as I have just fitted three Ritar batteries, $330 each fitted. My batteries were the original ones and they were nearly seven years old. Still working but..... Regards Colin
  22. Tolley

    Hema HN7

    Hello Chris, I originally had the HNi5 HEMA which was great. We upgraded to HN6 a few years ago. As Gayleen thinks she is a navigator like Captain Cook, we have two of them, a his and a hers! I always have mine on the topographical maps. Gayleen uses hers mainly on topo but, when entering a town, she switches to street. Very useful. Hers is also used for searching Camps 8, caravan parks, gas stations etc. Two might sound extravagant but she loves having her own. Download the Naviextras programme and updating to the latest info is a breeze. I reckon you will soon be wondering why you didn't invest in one long ago. Regards Colin
  23. I lived in Jindabyne for seven years. One of my friends liked Merimbula so on the weekend he would ride his bicycle from Jindabyne to Merimbula, stay overnight and then ride back again. Just think of his return journey as you enjoy the descent! It is beautiful country. Enjoy it. Colin BTW, we once avoided such steep descents but since changing to a Silverado with its exhaust brakes such roads are a breeze.
  24. Hey, Andrew, I know you were being light hearted and I took it that way. I am doing a few things to my truck to make it better at what it does. One of the great things about Landcruisers is that there is so much knowledge and experience out there and it is all incorporated in the design. That is why they are so good.
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