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Jacky Jacky

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Everything posted by Jacky Jacky

  1. Hi Karen, I note the above. I tried to open the KOG Constitution document today and it would not open. Further, some warning came up about the website certificate had expired 325 days ago. I’m not sure what all that means but just letting you know. 😀
  2. Not sure if this will help, but it’s worth a read - https://rvdaily.com.au/five-minute-mods-restore-your-caravans-water-pressure/
  3. Here is an extract from ACMA website dated 14/11/16 - "Review of Narrow Banding Arrangements for the UHF CBRS Band One outcome of the ACMA’s review of the 400 MHz band was the introduction in 2011 of new arrangements for the UHF Citizen Band Radio Service (UHF CBRS). The 400 MHz review sought to reduce congestion and support new technologies. In the UHF CBRS, this resulted in the introduction of 12.5 kHz channelling arrangements that significantly increased the capacity available to the CB radio community. This was because the adoption of 12.5 kHz channels allowed the use of 80 channel CB radios in contrast to the existing 40 channel (25 kHz) CB radios. Introduction of the new arrangements required new licensing arrangements, changes to equipment standards and the availability of new 80 channel equipment. As part of the transition to 80 channels, the ACMA announced in 2011 that the use of older 40 channel equipment would only be supported until 30 June 2017. The Class licence was amended to reflect this transition date. In 2016, as part of its commitment to evidence-based regulation, the ACMA started examining the impact of this transition date, including systematic monitoring of UHF CBRS channels in metropolitan and regional areas and direct engagement with frequent users of CB radio. The results indicate that the continued use of 40 channel equipment is important to some CB radio operators but is not causing significant problems to users of modern 80 channel equipment. The use of 40 channel equipment continues to decrease as older radios are replaced with new 80 channel radios (40 channel equipment has not been available since 2012). In light of this, the ACMA is now preparing to consult about changes to the CBRS Class Licence that would allow the continued use of 40 channel equipment after 30 June 2017. The public consultation process is expected to commence early in 2017."
  4. Hi Curly, we have a Dometic front loader but not as old as yours and no problems with it so far. The User Manual indicates this problem occurs if the end of the drain hose is too low. Perhaps the hose has shaken loose. Copies of P14 & P19 attached - hope this helps.
  5. Hi Grant & Carol, I concur with all the tips above. Lock & lock containers are great. For maximum use of space stick to square containers. Another idea is, if your cutlery drawer is heavy the contents can jump around on bumpy roads. We know someone who rolls the cutlery in anti slip mat material to avoid knives etc 'rubbing' together. On very rough roads, we actually place the whole drawer on the bed.
  6. Like Peter above, we went from a movable satellite dish to a fixed rooftop Oyster satellite as we are full time on the road. No doubt you know, that if the Foxtel box breaks down and you want a new one, they post a new one to your home address only so it is a bit of a hassle if you are away on a trip. Once you receive the new box it has a return sticker for your old broken box to be posted back to them. The benefit of having a sat dish you set up yourself is that you can move it around and the van can be parked under trees in the shade, if applicable, whereas one fixed to the roof of the van means you need to consider your site more carefully. I see you are at Petrie QLD. Springers12V Shop at Strathpine do installations for Kedron so you could go see them for info. Good luck.
  7. Petdav30, this link may help - http://www.transport.wa.gov.au/licensing/license-a-caravan-or-camper-trailer.asp and this - http://www.transport.wa.gov.au/licensing/interstate-vehicle-license.asp
  8. We have not had this problem. What model Waco do you have? Condensation does build up around the seal of the freezer at times. There is a switch near the freezer door hinge (see manual that should be in a binder Kedron gave you) that you can turn on that gets rid of the condensation (should turn it to 'off' when you are in 12V as it can chew up power if inverter is on). Perhaps contact Kedron (Ashley) and ask him. Hope you find a solution.
  9. You could try these people - http://www.dieselheatingaustralia.com/products-pricing/snugger-parts-accessories/ (At least this type are not plastic))
  10. Hi Mike, Another option, check the air conditioning bolts have not worked loose. We went across the Outback Way and a couple of bolts worked loose. We have an Air Command Cormorant, and to do this, inside the van remove 6 screws (3 on each side) under the removable filters. Four more screws are located (2 each side) amongst the louvers. Lower the roof fixture slowly, as wiring is attached, and it should hold with a string attachment, then tension the bolts in each corner of the unit connected to the roof. DON'T over tighten these bolts. Good luck finding the leak.
  11. We no longer have the Vitrofrigo but when we did we were given a tip not to push the defrost tray all the way back as it may block the circulation of air to the freezer area. No experience with the compressor running all the time ... maybe needs re-gassing.
  12. Here is a link to a manual - http://www.dometicrvcentre.com.au/documentmanager/item/151 with Problem Solving on Page 15 but does not seem to list your exact problem although there is one on machine not filling with water. Ann
  13. Hi Sue, I enjoyed reading your blog and loved the bird pics. Some excellent shots there.
  14. We have tried the borax & honey, same as Jewel, on bits of cardboard. You do see a lot more ants for a day or two but then they are gone. A tip is to keep mix away from pets or children.
  15. Or there is this parts site - http://www.dieselheatingaustralia.com/products-pricing/snugger-parts-accessories/
  16. Chris, perhaps the tank is a Webasto tank (black not blue) ? Here is a link to a discussion on the Caravaners forum - http://caravanersforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6621 Link to Webasto Australia that has a hotline - http://www.webasto.com/au/ Ann
  17. Colin, sorry to hear Dotti got a tick but glad to hear she is on the mend. Our regards to you & Gayleen.
  18. There seems to be a lot of ticks around at this time not only getting onto dogs but also us humans. Having experienced tick bites and subsequent muscle pain after the tick was pulled out I was looking up the best way to pull it off the skin. For those of you who like to bushwalking I thought this recent article on how to extract a tick might be on interest - http://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/tick-allergies-on-the-rise-during-peak-season/story-fnii5s3x-1227107544179 They say there is no lymes disease (spread by ticks) in Australia despite some people being diagnosed as such. Bit here about lymes disease - http://www.lymedisease.org.au/about-lyme-disease/myths-surrounding-lyme-disease-in-australia/
  19. From some enquires we have made about lithium batteries there seems to be a reluctance to use them because of fire safety issues. If they catch on fire they are unable to be extinguished - apparently. A 12 V business informed us they want to see more 'technical advancement' in them before they use them!?
  20. Hi Barry, Came across this in Qld's Safe Towing Guide that confirms your topic -- "Insurance: Compulsory Third Party insurance for trailers in Queensland is provided by the towing vehicle’s insurance cover. If your trailer is being towed by an interstate registered vehicle, contact your insurer to obtain additional cover. A trailer may not be covered by comprehensive insurance if: it does not comply with Queensland registration and vehicle standard legislation; its on road mass exceeds your vehicle’s towing capacity; it is not roadworthy or safe; or it is overloaded." />http://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/~/media/Safety/Vehicle%20standards%20and%20modifications/Loads%20and%20towing/Safe%20towing/Safe_towing_guide.pdf
  21. Hi Jewel, The quote was taken from the link but what you are saying is if the vehicle/van is in a company/business name (ie: not private individual) you must have a label - is that right? Cheers
  22. Looking into this subject, I located a form that has to be completed but on it is mention of over 4.5t. See -/>http://www.support.transport.qld.gov.au/qt/formsdat.nsf/forms/QF4550/$file/F4550_ES.pdf And this - http://www.qld.gov.au/transport/registration/register/caravan/index.html and - 'From 1 October, registration labels will no longer be required for light caravans and trailers if your vehicle's aggregate trailer mass (ATM) is not more than 4.5 tonne.' I agree it is confusing !! Edit: looks like it does need a COI, Colin - according to above posts and to this - http://www.qld.gov.au/transport/buying/vehicleinspection/periodicinspection/about/index.html
  23. Hi Reece, I had the Flatout water hose and sullage hoses. The water hose connection to the tap leaked and I got it repaired under warranty - a 'bad batch' they said and it was some time ago. The roll up reel appealed to me for storage issues as well. The disadvantage of the flat water hose, IMHO, is it must be laid 'flat' for its length to ensure nothing prevents water from going right through the length of the hose. For example, with an ordinary plastic hose it may stay partially coiled out of the way if your van is close to the mains water tap. With the 'flat' hose you have to lay out its full length around the van. Hope this makes sense. I have now reverted to a food grade water hose and ordinary sullage hose. The water hose is coiled up and a Velcro strip keeps it together. The sullage hose slips up inside a gap going the length of the chassis rail at the rear of the van. Ann
  24. Looks good , GraemeY.
  25. With the risk of hijacking this thread - We will stick with our TD GXL 100 til it (or us) drops!! We also had a suspension upgrade, recently replaced the bushes and CV joints. A mechanic in Charters Towers said he still sees them going strong with 800,000 km on the clock. Chevvy too big for us!! Best regards
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